Generate any quantity of random, strong and secure passwords with one mouse click just in seconds with Free Password Generator software.
Free Password Generator application will create strong and secure passwords instead of you.
With Free Password Generator you will use only strong random passwords, that can protect your identity from potential harm.
Download Free Password Generator
Latest version: 5.43 (January 13, 2017) | Size: 0,7 Mb
For Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows XP / Windows Vista
Download Free Portable Password Generator
For Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows XP / Windows Vista
Free Online Random Password Generator
Download Free Password Generator just now, and you will not have to think out new passwords, and all your passwords will be random and secure. Freeware.
Free Password Generator is suitable for the professional use.
You may use Free Password Generator as a portable password generator (usb password generator) on a USB flash drive. In order to use Free Password Generator as a portable password generator (usb password generator), rename file 'PasGen.exe' to 'PasGenPortable.exe'. Or download portable password generator above.
Free Password Generator is a freeware product. You may distribute unlimited copies of this program in its original form to any legal place unless we notify you otherwise.
Free Password Generator works under all modern versions of Windows, including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows XP and others.
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Using Free Password Generator is very easy. Just 1, 2 and 3. To generate secure random password please perform the following steps:
Option | Description |
English UPPER CASE (A..Z) |
This option includes English capital letters into the result password. A, B, C, etc. Since the generated password is random, the result may contain no capital letters even if the option is selected. This rule is applicable to all other options. |
English lower case (a..z) |
This option includes English lower case characters into the result password. a, b, c, etc. |
Digits (0..9) |
This option includes digits into the result password. |
Exclude dubious symbols |
If this option is selected, all dubious (hardly readable) characters will be excluded. The dubious characters are: 1, I, i, 0, O, o, l, !, |, ^, double quotes, coma and dot. |
Password length |
The length of the generated password in characters. Minimum possible value is 1, maximum is not limited. |
Quantity |
The number of passwords to generate. Minimum is 1, maximum is not limited. |
Option | Description |
Special symbols (@, !, #, etc...) |
This option includes some special characters into the result password. As mentioned above, since the generated password is random, the result may contain no special characters even if the option is selected. The special characters are: ~!@#$%^&*(),.=+<> |
Other symbols |
If this option is enabled all characters from the edit box below the option will be included into the result password. |
Pronouncing |
This is very useful option if you want to keep you password in mind. There are 3 available options:
According to a recent study by Deloitte's Canadian Technology, Media & Telecommunications, approximately 90% of passwords are considered to be vulnerable to hacking. Security analysts all agree that our passwords are much more insecure than in the past.
So why are hackers getting better at cracking our passwords? One of the reasons is because of a wealth of new data that they have access to. This treasure trove of data is due to massive hacks. These mega hacks have help hackers to identify the patterns that we use when creating our passwords.
The other reason that hackers are finding it easier to break through password protection is because of cheap and abundant processing power. It is now possible for hackers to try out billions of password combinations in a matter of seconds. When this is combined with a huge database of passwords and improved algorithms - hacking your passwords becomes relatively straightforward for anyone with the right resources.
While you are undeniably more vulnerable to password hackers than you have been in the past, this doesn't mean that there is nothing that you can do about it. Here are six steps that you can take in order to protect your passwords.
55% of people use the same password on most of the sites that they visit, according to a survey of 1805 adults by Ofcom, the UK's communication watchdog. With an upsurge in mega hacks this is leaving a lot of people vulnerable. Once hackers have access to a list of passwords used on one site, they can then use these passwords on any other site that you use as well.
One of the easiest ways to protect your passwords is to not replicate them between different sites. If your password is compromised on one of the sites, it should still be protected on other sites that you use. If you think you will have trouble remembering all those passwords, see how to use password management software below.
One of the reasons that our passwords have become so predictable is because the rules governing what must be contained within them tend to be similar. For example most sites require a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and a symbol. The way we meet these requirements tends to be equally similar.
Typically when we are required to add numbers we will do so either at the start or the end of the word, and will most commonly use either the number 1 or 0. Common symbols such as !, #, @, &, * % should are also frequently employed.
People often believe that their passwords are more secure than they actually are ...
People often believe that their passwords are more secure than they actually are, because they deliberately use miss spellings. But unfortunately if you are using these you might not be as unpredictable as you think you are. Hackers algorithms can pick up on these common misspellings as well.
If you want to protect your password then you have to do what other people don't. That means using a truly random series of numbers, characters and words.
In general longer passwords are more secure than shorter ones, even if the words used on the shorter password are more complex. However when selecting a longer password with multiple words it is important that they are completely random. Using phrases or common sequences of words will be easy for the hacker's algorithms to predict.
Making common substitutions such as 1 for I will not make your password safer ...
You should also keep in mind that making common substitutions such as 1 for I will not make your password safer, as these can be easily predicted by the algorithms. Appending words is also not helpful as those same algorithms will test these variations out as well.
When 2 step verification on Gmail is activated, before you can access your Gmail account from a new device, you are sent a verification code to your mobile phone. Even if someone obtains your Gmail password they will not be able to access your account from a different computer. Protecting your Gmail account is very important because it is often the key that unlocks all of the other passwords you use on other sites.
Never change your passwords by following links in emails that you did not request, since those links might be compromised and redirect you to the wrong place.
After large hacks there is typically an uptick in the amount of phishing emails. Because users are expecting communication from the site that has been hacked, this is a good opportunity for hackers to find out your password. Do not change your password or verify it directly from any email communication. Instead enter the address of the site in the browser, and make any changes on the website itself.
While taking steps to randomize your password and avoid common mistakes is a good first step, if you really want to properly protect your passwords you should use a password manager. There are a lot of popular password managers on the market and we recommend you to start with SecureSafe Pro Password Manager.
Password management software is not only more secure it also makes the job of remembering passwords easier. SecureSafe Pro Password Manager uses a local decrypter installed on your computer, and the password information can be easily synced among your devices via the cloud (Dropbox, Skydrive, Google Drive or others). As well encrypting and decrypting your passwords, password management software includes password generation tools which create truly random passwords. SecureSafe Pro Password Manager can also keep regular files inside the program.
SecureSafe Pro Password Manager is free to try and you can keep up to 40 passwords for free but if you want to continue to use it on your growing database you have to purchase a license for unlimited number of computers. Read more about SecureSafe Pro Password Manager here or start using it right now for free.
Download Password Manager for Windows SecureSafe Pro
For Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows XP / Windows Vista
Latest version: 3.7 (August 17, 2022) | Size: 2,5 Mb | Free Password Manager is limited to 40 items (passwords, files, etc.)
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